Download Cheat Engine v6.6 Terbaru

Cheat Engine

Free Download Cheat Engine Terbaru

Cheat Engine Adalah sebuah Tools (Freeware) yang dapat kita gunakan untuk melakukan manipulasi angka pada sebuah Game baik itu Game Online maupun Offline. Misalnya kita bermain "Counter Strike" Saat kita bermain game tentu saja darah kita bernilai 100 kan, saat tertembak maka darah kita akan bekurang. Nah dengan menggunakan Cheat Engine terbaru ini, maka darah anda bisa dijadikan kebal tetap menjadi 100 sampai game berakhir. Bukan cuma darah yang bisa di manipulasi, Jumlah Uang / Coin pun kita bisa merubahnya agar kita dapat membeli senjata apapun. Cheat Engine Sendiri bisa digunakan untuk memperlambat maupun mempercepat Game dengan merubah Variabel dalam game tersebut.

Cheat Engine Terbaru ini memiliki banyak sekali Tools Hack Game seperti debugger, disassembler, assembler, speedhack, trainer maker, direct 3D manipulation tools, system inspection tools dan masih banyak lagi tools Hack dari Cheat Engine ini. jadi kita bisa melakukan Hack Game secara Unlimited menggunakan Cheat Engine ini

Cara menggunakan Cheat Engine :
  1. Buka game yang akan anda mainkan
  2. Lihat uang anda (semisal anda ingin mengehack uang)
  3. buka CE, ketikkan jumlah (value) uang anda tadi di kolom value
  4. klik first scan
  5. jika hanya ada satu addres,maka klik dua kali addres tersebut dan gantilah valuenya
  6. jika lebih dari satu, buatlah agar value pada game anda tadi berubah dengan membeli sesuatu atau cara yang lain
  7. lalu ketikkan value uang yang telah berubah di kolom value
  8. klik next scan
  9. klik dua kali addresnya dan gantilah valuenya
  10. Anda juga bisa , Mem Freeze Addrees ( Dengan Mencentang di Sebelah Kiri Addreas ) Agar jumblah Value tidak berubah.

Cheat Engine

Features Cheat Engine Terbaru
  • Fixed saving of hotkey sounds
  • Fixed the CF flag in the disassembler stepping mode
  • Fixed Kernelmode VirtualQueryEx for Windows 10 build 14393
  • Fixed DBVM for Windows 10 build 14393
  • Fixed the shortest assembler instruction picking for some instructions
  • Fixed a few bugs in the break and trace routine when you'd stop it while the thread still had a single step set
  • Fixed several ansi to UTF8 incompatbilities that poped up between 6.5 and 6.5.1
  • Fixed the stackview not properly setting the color, and giving an error when trying to change a color
  • Fixed the exe generator not adding both .sys files or the .sig files when using kernel functions
  • Fixed some places of the disassembler where it helps guessing if something is a float or not
  • When using the code finder, it won't show the previous instruction anymore if it's on a REP MOVS* instruction
  • Fixed an issue when editing memoryrecords with strings, where wordwrap would add newline characters
  • Fixed D3D alpha channel for textures and fontmaps
  • Fixed the helpfile not being searchable
  • The installer will now mark the CE destination folder as accessible by APPS. (fixes speedhack for some APPS)
  • Fixed the form designed crashing is resized 'wrong'

Additions and changes
  • Ultimap 2 for Intel CPU's of generation 6 and later (no DBVM needed for those)
  • Language select if you have multiple language files for CE
  • Memoryrecord pointer offsets can use calculations, symbols and lua code now
  • While stepping in the debugger you can now easily change the EIP/RIP register by pressing ctrl+f4
  • changed the way CE is brought to front when a hotkey is pressed
  • Made the GUI more adaptive to different fontsizes and DPI
  • Several font and minor GUI changes
  • Added DPIAware and a font override to the settings window. (DPI aware is on by default, but can be turned of if experiencing issues)
  • Added option to enable pause by default
  • Disassembling mega jumps/calls now show the code in one line
  • The standalone auto assembler window will now give an option to go to the first allocated memory address
  • Changed the point where the settings are loaded in CE's startup sequence
  • The formdesigner now allows copy and paste of multiple objects, and uses text
  • Added scrollbox and radiogroup to the formdesigner
  • Added Middle, MB4 and MB5 as allowable hotkeys
  • Added controller keys as hotkeys
  • Single stepping now shows an indication if an condition jump will be taken
  • Added a watchlist to the debugger
  • Added the 'align' assembler pseudo command (allocates memory so the next line is aligned on a block of the required size)
  • Added the 'Not' option for scans, which causes all addresses that match the given entry as invalid
  • Changed the Unicode text to UTF-16. Text scans are now UTF8/UTF16 (no codepage)
  • Hexview can now show and edit values in 3 different textencodings. (Ascii, UTF-8 and UTF-16)
  • Rescan pointerscans on pointerscans that where done on a range can now change the offset
Buat kamu yang ingin men-Download Cheat Engine Terbaru ini secara gratis silahkan menuju link dibawah, dan yang mendapat masalah saat mendownload ataupun menggunakannya mohon untuk memberi komentar dibawah agar saya bisa membantunya.

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